Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A Better Outlook
This afternoon at work I was in the bathroom and I saw someone at the urinal peeing, only his arms were resting on the separators that stick out of the wall. If he were driving and instead of peeing, talking on the cell phone, hands-free would've been completely normal. But in the bathroom, this is not something you see everyday, which is why I took notice. However, it was kind of refreshing to see, as weird is it sounds to say. This is clearly the most laid-back approach to urinating I have ever seen. We should all adopt a similar attitude.
Monday, January 07, 2008

A few updates:
Amy and I started Weight Watchers last Thursday, and I wouldn't say I hate it, but it's a little rough for me. Usually what happens is that I'm starving throughout the entire day as I try to use up as little points as possible, and then after dinner I have about 10 points left that I roam around the food-areas of our apartment trying to use up.
I bought a Nintendo DS last week, too, and Amy was against it, viewing it as money that could have been put towards the wedding. At first. And then I convinced her to buy Cake Mania, a computer game she loves, and I taught her how to play Brain Age. She played Cake Mania for about 4 hours one evening. I am not joking.
Our cat ate some fucked up shit around the house last week, including a whole band-aid and a few scraps of a post-it note, and threw up about 5 times overnight (the band-aid I found still whole in the vomit), so she's been sick the past week. We've called the vet approximately 1,763 times, and I think she just doesn't like her food. She'll eat a little bit, nowhere near her normal amount, and later on try and eat one of her toys. However, for the little amount she's eating, things are entering and leaving her body in the normal fashion, so we're not too worried.
I leave for Nicaragua on the 20th, and I can't help but feel anxious about it. I can't say I've ever been afraid of flying, though I've never been a huge fan of the hassles it puts me through (waiting in line to check-in, waiting in line for a security check-point, waiting at the terminal, waiting to take off, the cramped seats, being fearful that whatever schmo I sit next to will be a huge fatty, thus making the cramped seats feel even more cramped, my ears popping, invariably having to wake-up whomever I sit next to because I will inevitably have to use the bathroom during the flight, getting used to a different time-zone, figuring out where the hell I'm supposed to go after I land, and so on), but for some reason this particular flight makes me feel a little more anxious than usual. And, of course, I don't speak Spanish. So there's that. Also, I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy a Canadian flag patch to paste onto my bag.
Okay, here's something I didn't plan on writing. I just saw an ad for a new gameshow called "Moment of Truth." You know that one scene in Meet the Parents where Robert Deniro sits Ben Stiller down and hooks him up to the truth machine-thing and asks him a bunch of awkward questions? Well, that's the plot of the "Moment of Truth." A person gets hooked up to the machine in front of a giant audience (and, of course, viewers at home) and sits their loved one, like, right in front of them. They then ask them questions like (and I'm not making these up at all), "Would you donate your kidney for your father?" and my favorite - the one they asked the guy with his wife sitting right there, "Have you ever touched a female co-worker inappropriately?" Now, instead of extrapolating this into larger social issues about the state of entertainment in our society and so on like I usually do, I'll just sigh despondently and get back to work hermetically sealing my television.
Amy and I started Weight Watchers last Thursday, and I wouldn't say I hate it, but it's a little rough for me. Usually what happens is that I'm starving throughout the entire day as I try to use up as little points as possible, and then after dinner I have about 10 points left that I roam around the food-areas of our apartment trying to use up.
I bought a Nintendo DS last week, too, and Amy was against it, viewing it as money that could have been put towards the wedding. At first. And then I convinced her to buy Cake Mania, a computer game she loves, and I taught her how to play Brain Age. She played Cake Mania for about 4 hours one evening. I am not joking.
Our cat ate some fucked up shit around the house last week, including a whole band-aid and a few scraps of a post-it note, and threw up about 5 times overnight (the band-aid I found still whole in the vomit), so she's been sick the past week. We've called the vet approximately 1,763 times, and I think she just doesn't like her food. She'll eat a little bit, nowhere near her normal amount, and later on try and eat one of her toys. However, for the little amount she's eating, things are entering and leaving her body in the normal fashion, so we're not too worried.
I leave for Nicaragua on the 20th, and I can't help but feel anxious about it. I can't say I've ever been afraid of flying, though I've never been a huge fan of the hassles it puts me through (waiting in line to check-in, waiting in line for a security check-point, waiting at the terminal, waiting to take off, the cramped seats, being fearful that whatever schmo I sit next to will be a huge fatty, thus making the cramped seats feel even more cramped, my ears popping, invariably having to wake-up whomever I sit next to because I will inevitably have to use the bathroom during the flight, getting used to a different time-zone, figuring out where the hell I'm supposed to go after I land, and so on), but for some reason this particular flight makes me feel a little more anxious than usual. And, of course, I don't speak Spanish. So there's that. Also, I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy a Canadian flag patch to paste onto my bag.
Okay, here's something I didn't plan on writing. I just saw an ad for a new gameshow called "Moment of Truth." You know that one scene in Meet the Parents where Robert Deniro sits Ben Stiller down and hooks him up to the truth machine-thing and asks him a bunch of awkward questions? Well, that's the plot of the "Moment of Truth." A person gets hooked up to the machine in front of a giant audience (and, of course, viewers at home) and sits their loved one, like, right in front of them. They then ask them questions like (and I'm not making these up at all), "Would you donate your kidney for your father?" and my favorite - the one they asked the guy with his wife sitting right there, "Have you ever touched a female co-worker inappropriately?" Now, instead of extrapolating this into larger social issues about the state of entertainment in our society and so on like I usually do, I'll just sigh despondently and get back to work hermetically sealing my television.
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