Saturday, December 20, 2008


Holy shit it's been awhile. A lot of things have happened. Here's the short list:

-Got married.
-Went on honeymoon.
-Got in trouble at work.
-Repeat #3, a few times.
-School rocks.
-Bought a Wii.
-Got another kitten.
-The kittens fight.
-A lot.

Getting married was a lot of fun. The rehearsal was...interesting, thanks to a church-employed wedding planner who sucked. She was wearing a black sweatshirt with a kitten on in, playing amongst cattails. Say more? No need. The ceremony went well. The reception, while it had its difficult moments, was a lot of fun. I won't talk about the rest of the night, after the reception.

The honeymoon was amazing. It was an Eastern Caribbean cruise, a week-long one. It was amazing just to get away from everything we have going on here, let alone being in 80-degree plus, sunny-ass weather. We met another couple on their honeymoon from Ontario, and we spent a lot of time with them all week. We took a hike along the coastline of St. Maarten, and we ate a lot of food. A lot. It was fantastic.

Now I'm on winter break from school, but I still have my part-time job to go to. If only I had a full-time teaching job.

If only.

If only.