Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Why is it this way?

I only seem to post occasionally anymore, but I've been busy. Now, I know I said that last time...and it's no excuse...but, well, I'm sorry, alright? That's really all I've got to say. I'm sorry. I can change. I know I can. Just give me a chance.


That was weird.

On a night like tonight, I get wistful. I'm in the apartment alone, I'm reminiscing. Why? Well, the high school I graduated from posted a position for which I am qualified. And I happen to be looking for a teaching position. So now it all comes flooding back, many of the memories from that time in my life. I hate being cliche like this, but it's hard not to be. It's a formative few years for everyone.

I'm torn about this. I certainly have a better chance of this position than at a school with which I have absolutely no connection, which, of course, includes the entirety of the Columbus area, where I live. However, that position would mean moving, taking my wife away from a job she loves. We've talked about it, and I would be the one to have the benefits and the (not much) higher salary, so if I found a position that meant moving out of the area, she would willingly move and find a job wherever we moved to. But I don't want to make her do that. She loves what she does too much. She's formed many more connections here than I have, and it would be a much bigger burden on her than on me. It's tough.

Hence, why I'm wistful and anxious. I hate not knowing what's going to happen.