Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My day had gotten exponentially better by 10 a.m.

Today is my day off, and it's been an amazing day off.

Last night I worked from 3 to close, which should have been 11 p.m., but was rather 11:45. I was working in the chef's case (read: deli) which is way easier and quieter than pizza. I also learned how to use a deli slicer. You know, those big "back and forth" ones that could potentially sever a finger. However, the cooling system underneath the chef's case was pretty much solid ice, which means that my coworker and I had to lift up the entire thing and melt all the ice with a hose. It wasn't that stressful, even though it was a late night. At least I knew what we were going to be doing the entire time, and this time my job required me to thaw the chef's case. That means that I didn't spend the entire time thinking, "this is definitely not my job."

Anyways, since I got off at 11:45, that means that I got home around 12:15 and subsequently went to bed a half an hour to 45 minutes later.

I had a meeting at work at 6 a.m. this morning. So I had to wake up again at 4:50 in order to become fully conscious and make it to work on time.

The meeting was supposed to start at 6:30, but because the presenter (the regional director) didn't bring a cable to hook up his laptop to the projector, the meeting didn't start until a little after 7. So I got home a little after 8 a.m.

But rather than go back to bed for a little bit, I thought that if I prolonged my conscious state, a mid-morning/afternoon nap would be ten times better. So I drove up to Half-Price Books just to look around. I ended up finding the original Star Wars Trilogy on VHS. For six dollars. (And a birthday present for Amy, which I will divulge to you freely as long as you don't tell her.)

I know what you're thinking. "What a fucking nerd." Yes. Correct.

I digress. However, the version that I bought was before George Lucas ruined it by adding more explosions and Greedo shooting first. The version I bought is the remastered version, which was put out about a year or two before the rereleases. The version I wanted was the un-remastered, very-first VHS version ever put out, but a used copy of that will run me upwards from one hundred dollars. So I'll stick with my copies.

So, then, my day shifted from me not knowing what to do with it to revolving around watching all three movies. Here's how it went:

Came home from Half-Price Books, settled in. Watched Star Wars.
Fell asleep on the couch for 1-2 hours. I'm not quite sure.
Woke up, did a few errands, came home, had lunch.
Watched The Empire Strikes Back.
Surfed around the internet for a while, sent some albums to Tim via AIM.
Ate dinner and watched Return of the Jedi.

Today has been an amazing day to myself.

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