Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Some things are better left unexplored

I regret that "Family Guy" came back from the dead.

Why do I say that? Because of a recent interview in which David X. Cohen, one of the creators of "Futurama," was revealing some information about the newly resurrected television show. HE was revealed that it would be aired on Comedy Central, and that this run would take place two years after the original run. He also revealed that the shows would begin by cleaning a little house, as it were. They are going to explore some unanswered questions, such as some details about Nibbler and the Nibblonians, Seymour the dog and also some Leela and Fry relationship stuff.

So why am I worried? Well, because I loved "Family Guy." I came to the show during its run on Adult Swim, and I loved every single episode. I was among the masses, howling for an un-cancellation. And then, when our wishes were granted, I was sated for a time. But slowly but surely, the jokes became repetitive, the plots nonexistent, and the nonsequiters overabundant and way too potheaded. I lost interest, and I haven't watched an episode in a long time. And I'm worried a "Futurama" renaissance will suffer the same fate.

However, working for "Futurama" is the fact the Cohen worked on "The Simpsons" since its inception and has a lot more years of experience under his belt than Seth McFarlane.

I would really have preferred than "Family Guy" stayed dead, leaving us with fond memories and forever wishing for more, but never getting our wish. I really hope that I don't feel the same way once "Futurama" returns to us.

Likewise, "Arrested Development" should never have been canceled, because it was one of the strongest, consistently funniest shows ever. However, it ended on a high note, and it would be folly to pick it up now again where it left off, letting it slowly drain and fade. I would rather it end on a high note, leaving me wanting more, than for it to disappoint over time, fading into obscurity.

So this is why I am anxious for new "Futurama." Like "Family Guy," I started really getting into it during its Adult Swim run, and now it's one of my favorite shows of all time. I really don't want to regret mediocrity.


Anonymous said...

Is it REALLY coming back? I feel like it's been announced 200 times already and always ends up being false.

Arrested Development DID end really well. I wished for un-cancellation up until the last episode, and then was so pleased with how it came full-circle and completed itself. Trying to add on another season after that would have sorely messed with the beauty of it.

Barry Lutz said...

Yeah, it really is. Here are a few links with some details:


We can also look forward to this about a year from now.