Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Past few days.

I've been pretty busy at work. I have officially taken over the coffee buying. That said, I still have to apply for the job.

They way things are right now is that it's officially me and one other person working coffee. We had another person, but she's just left for bigger and better things. She was doing the coffee buying un/officially until someone was actually hired. So now that she left, I'm doing the same thing.

There was a big staff shake-up, and many people left the department and the company. One of those people was the person that took care of pretty much the entire coffee area. He did the buying, maintained inventory, maintained staff and maintained maintenance. So now that that person left, half of that shit isn't, or rather hasn't, been done. Therefore, no inventory has been rotated, leaving older stock in the back to spoil. Today I had to shrink over $300 worth of coffee. People just kept adding onto the shelf without putting the older stuff in front. But the good news is that now that there is a new permanent, full-time person to take care of that sort of thing (i.e. me) that sort of thing won't happen any longer.

Switching gears, the other day I watched Enter...Zombie King. It combines the zombie genre with the infectious joy of the luche libre. It was more Mexican Masked wrestling than zombies, and the acting was terrible, but the gore was decent. That said, it is difficult to begrudge that sort of movie, especially when the executive producer is named El Fuego. It was a short 75 minutes or so, and it was mostly entertaining. I would call it a renter, or a must-buy if you are really into that sort of thing.

Okay, switching gears again, I just picked up Dr. Octagon's The Return of Dr. Octagon. As the lore goes, Dr. Octagonecologyst was released in 1996 and made a lot of people think differently about underground hip-hop. The main character, Dr. Octagon, was an alien doing odd and laughably violent things to people. Then, during some unnamed year (not because the release date is unknown, but rather because I simply refuse to look it up at the moment), Nogacto Dr. was released, and Dr. Octagon was killed off for some reason. Now, in 2006, The Return of Dr. Octagon was released, and it is also very entertaining. The beats are more hyperkinetic and there isn't much of Dr. Octagon's "practice" in it. Rather, there are a bunch of songs about masturbating telephone operators, dying trees, ants, and of course, aliens.

Finally, I just downloaded the newly released Twilight Singers EP, A Stitch In Time. It was released exclusively through iTunes and cost $3.99 for 5 songs. As I'm typing now, it's just finishing. It's very good and features Mark Lanegan and Joseph Arthur. Normally, I would leave this sort of thing to Timothy, but he's expressed dislike for Twilight Singers (which I completely respect, because, let's face it, I don't like Grand Buffet), so I thought I'd talk about it.

At any rate, having to be up before 6 a.m. makes one tired around the 11 p.m. area, so I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight.

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