Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A sudden and disconcerting realization.

Okay, so if communion means drinking the blood of Christ, does that mean that followers of the Christianity-based religions are all vampires?

And, since the majority of Americans are followers of said Christian-based religions, that means that the majority of America are vampires!

Furthermore, since there seems to be such a problem with the separation of church and state in this country, that means that AMERICA IS RUN BY VAMPIRES!!!

George Bush keeps sending in troops because he wants to drink their blood!!!

1 comment:

Listen Well said...

It's a simple execution of the transitive property. The crucifixion was the birth of over two thousand years of vamiric acts. It's humbling to think that by 2100 AD, Christianity will have been disproved and our society as a whole will be viewed as imbiciles.