Friday, January 05, 2007


Well, it appears that this is the 100th overall post. To celebrate, I am going to jump right in and do what I started this blog to do: complain about shit.

One of the things that irks me at work is the snootiness of customers when it comes to samples. The mindset is that, "I'm owed this, I expect this, and when it's not here, there's a problem I feel I am the person to bring up."

Another problem with samples is the amount of people that stop by for them without ever buying it. "Just stopping by for my coffee," is something I hear almost everyday. Part two of this is the fact that I have frequent "repeat" customers, stopping by two or three more times to fill up their little sample cups.

That last bit has become so much of a problem that retailers such as Sam's Club has set a few limits. The rule is that every kid has to have an accompanying parent if the little butterball wants a free Bagel Bite.

People get downright mean about it. Yesterday, a dressed-up couple stops by my pump pot, seeking a sample. The man looks at the pump pot's label, and asks me if this is what I had out yesterday. "I don't know," I respond, "I wasn't here yesterday." The man hesitantly picks up a cup and begins pressing down gently on the lever of the pot. The woman comes up behind him and snidely remarks, "That's what they had yesterday," and turns her back immediately. The man looks quickly down at his cup, which is only partly full, and with a "Pfft" tosses it down into the trash bin and walks away.

If that's the way you're going to go about it, I thought, then I don't want you to have any fucking coffee at all. I'll throw it away myself. When was the last time you bought coffee from me? Never, I bet; you're always just passing by for the free shit you think you're owed. It really burns me when people complain about the coffee. I don't know how many times I've been told, "I don't like the dark roasts. You should stay with the lighter coffees." While I'm being told this, of course, the person telling me this is invariably filling up his or her cup anyway.

I don't owe you anything, and you should be lucky I keep putting it out for you. I don't have to keep wasting my coffee away on people who don't appreciate what I'm doing.

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