Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The world crumbling around me

After a near-collision on 270 the other day, I've come back to the idea that my brother and I used to toss around: we are becoming a minority of saneness in the world, and it will become our undoing. You see, as we became increasingly convinced that we are fast becoming the only sane people in the world, it will convince other people that we are the ones that are bat-shit crazy.

You see, here's what happened: I was in the process of getting off of 270 at Sawmill, where I work, when a small car cuts in front of me, almost clipping my front driver side with their rear passenger side. About a second later, then slam on their brakes. Luckily quick with a reaction, I practically jump on my brake pedal, sending me screeching, fishtailing into the shoulder. Of course, I was angry. Who wouldn't be? This kind of shit happens all the time. It's not special.

But here's what made me doubt human nature: I looked a little more closely into the car that had almost fucked me over and saw two small children in the backseat. And here's my initial and, upon reflection, unchanged reaction: these people are fucking breeding! Not only are there inconsideration, self-obsessed assholes everywhere: on the roads cutting people off, at work treating me like shit, in restaurants the nation over being overly demanding and tipping terribl, and so on, but these people are sexing up people that are the same, thus assuring their children will be brought up to be inconsiderate, under-tipping, demanding idiots.

They keep swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool, and the toddlers keep making the water warmer.

If feeling this way makes me crazy, fuck it: drag me off, kicking and screaming, wearing a restraining jacket into a white padded cell, Ken Kesey-style.

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