Saturday, February 24, 2007

Awkward moment

This is a work-related story, and kind of makes me feel violated and creepy.

So, earlier today at work, I said hi to two women, probably at least 45. I smiled, as I always do when greeting customers, and immediately one of the women flips out.

"Oh, my god, how cute are you!"
"Oh, uh...thanks. Thank you."
She turns to her friend and says, "isn't he just as cute as a button? Aw, and his eyes sparkle!"
I am growing more and more uncomfortable by the second, each of which seem like a minute. "Uh, heh....thanks a lot..."
"How many girlfriends do you have?"
"Oh, just the one."
"So when are you getting married?"
"Well, we'll be getting engaged soon..."
"Ooh, look at his eyes sparkle, you know he's in love!"
("Uh, no, lady, the sparkle in my eye is fear for my life.")
"Ha ha...yeah..." What the hell do I say at this point? I am hoping that she is leaving soon.

Finally she left, and I was left reeling for a minute. No one prepares to hear that. No one wakes up and says "You know what? Today, some lady in her late-40s is going to tell me my eyes sparkle with love."

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