Monday, June 18, 2007

The course of a short period of time

I've been living in Columbus for about a year now, and recently I've been reflecting on the course of events that occurred over the past year that have led to now. And it seems that more has happened within the last month and a half than has happened over the other ten and a half.

Over the last year I moved to this city looking for a job related to the degree I had just obtained, only to find that pursuit fruitless. I had found a job at the company I work for now, glad to be making a higher wage than I'd ever been paid before, let alone having a job at all. I also moved laterally and up slightly in the company, leaving the radius of my original job search slowly behind me, creeping away. This was aided by a resurgence in my pursuit of trying to find out if I really do want to teach. But no one will let me.

I also saw my brother obtain his second degree and then pursue a further degree he had a good chance to be a part of, but would ultimately be left without an answer for what seemed to be an eternity, a purgatory in northwest Ohio. He didn't get the chance to shine in the Sunshine State, because an irrelevant test told the administrators he wasn't qualified, though they had every other sign he would not succeed, but exceed.

Within the past month and a half I became engaged to a truly beautiful and amazing woman, and that woman has come into her own as a truly accomplished professional, earning her second degree in half as many years. I've never been so in love and I don't expect that to change, not ever.

Also in the recent past I saw a different perspective of a friend, someone I enjoy joking with, that revealed a deep sadness that reminded me of the truly fragile nature of the human psyche and the emotions that accompany it, and that I'll never forget.

Finally, as of the next few days, the last month and a half has brought about the death and subsequent burial of a family friend that died for a conflict he never knew the truth about.

I'm not trying to be a downer, I'm just attempting to figure out my part in all of it. I go to work, and I come home. I watch a ton of movies and I wonder if there's something else I should be doing.

Is there something else I should be doing?

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