Monday, August 21, 2006

DVDs galore.

Okay, last post of the day. I decided to split it all up, as opposed to one borishly long post.

As a graduation present, Amy got me this. Needless to say, I've already watched it in its entirety since then.

In addition, my love got me a $25 gift certificate to, so that I could get other things that I want, that Amy gets confused about. Which, I don't blame her.

So with that gift certificate, I pre-ordered this and ordered this. And, since I lumped the two of them together in one shipment, the both of them should arrive next Wednesday or Thursday, since Arrested Development is released next Tuesday. I'm excited.

Finally, Amy and I decided to sign up for Netflix. We were tired of spending $8 a movie at Blockbuster, so we decided to pay $15 a month for two movies at a time with an unlimited number of movies a month. Definitely a good deal, as I love watching movies and usually cannot find what I want to watch at Blockbuster, and Amy moderately enjoys watching movies. Our first selections, which are shipping out today, are Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Brick. The first was really good, and Amy didn't get a chance to watch it. The second I am really looking forward to watching.



Anonymous said...

Netflix is woooooooonderful. I use Blockbuster's version, but they're virtually identical. It can get annoying when they send you totally borked DVDs (what do people do, use them as frisbees?), but I don't run into that TOO often.

And <3 <3 <3 Arrested Development! I only own the first season so far...there are far too many DVDs I need to buy.

Anonymous said...

PS - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was hilarious. I'm glad Amy's getting to see it!

Listen Well said...

I forgot to tell you this:
Do you recall a Cobblestone staff meeting wherein a fellow co-working showed up about thirty minutes late, darted straight for the doughnut table and sat down, undisturbed by his own tardiness?
I was reminded when that same employee handed out SoaP posters to the audience last Thursday.
Funny. It didn't appear as though he'd moved up the corporate ladder in any way.

And didn't we find people to work for us that day so we could eat hot dogs?

Barry Lutz said...

I absolutely remember that day. Those were some of the best hot dogs we've ever had.