Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dear Dane Cook:

This has gone on long enough. It is time to stop now. I know you think you're funny because Best Buy stocks about twenty copies of each of your albums, but it's a lie. No one is buying them. So, I reiterate. Please stop. That's enough.

Dear Dane Cook fans:

Please stop encouraging him. Buying his albums as joke-gifts for other people is making him think he's successful. He cannot sense the sarcasm through record sales. Why do you think William Hung put out an album?


Anonymous said...

Ahem, I LIKE Dane Cook. He's very funny.

Barry Lutz said...

Yeah yeah. I bet you'd clean his pee.

Anonymous said...

Oh no you didn't!!


He used to be very hot. Now that Jessica Simpson got her mitts on him, he looks like a ragged sheepdog. He'd have to get a major haircut for me to even THINK about cleaning his pee.